Thursday, 28 June 2012

Planet Deckturn 3D Animation

Hey Folks

So I thought to myself as I was colouring my frames, hold on a sec what about my awesome looking planet animation.

So I popped in today to see my lovely fans and one of the 3D guys called Rudy who has offered to model and animate my planets for me. Now Rudy didn't know what way i wanted this character to be animated so what I did was show him the animatic and then a short clip from Edmund Mcmillen's "The Binding of Isaac". I explained to him that i wanted the first animation to be quite simple and just a slight change of expression to show the planet is curious of what is coming towards him.

I then showed him the Edmund Mcmillen Animation Mechanics page with the sketched frames and frame numbers on it. Now if you have been following the blog you will know that i have tested this planet animation out in 2D with after effects, and if it worked then it will be put into 3D.

I sat with Rudy and watched him animate the planet aswel as guiding him to show how I wanted it done. This is the animation test and I personally think it went quite well.

Enjoy Muchly