Hey Folks
wow I haven't been on here in quite a while haven't I, anyways that is because i am now doing the clean and colour stage of the game and believe me...I AM NOT LIKING IT AT ALLLLLL!!!!
It takes forever to clean and colour frames doesnt matter what kind of solution you have it still takes long. I am however cleaning all my frames in photoshop and once that has been done i am then colouring them in photoshop too and hopefully the final coloured frame will look good when animated.
Here is a few examples of one of my frames scanned, cleaned and coloured a test of the animation will be up soon folks.
a couple bits of these have been separated for less time like the mouth and his brain. I have also been experimenting with different textures and brushes to see if i can enhance the look of the coloured line and frame this one has been cleaned with a wet brush look to look like blood and with a sponge like texture on top of the colour.
Enjoy Muchly