Thursday, 26 July 2012

Comping Is Fun

Hey Folks

So I realise that I have not been posting for a few days so I though I would be kind to show you the process of my comping, I have been doing all of these in After Effects as you can see. I have been separating each bit on different compositions and then joining them together, this also shows you a sneeky peeky at what the film is gonna look like so anticipation is all around us :D.

Enjoy Muchly

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Spooky Creepy Backgorunds

Hey Folks

So today I have been finishing off the backgrounds for the synaesthesia for dubstep, There are specific things in here that represent parts of the character when things happen to him for example the first one is a layer of fat and when his leg grows fat this picture will appear. The next one is when his legs twists and it will show the boa constrictor tightening him up. I have a few others that are just plain creepy and i even thought about taking images of myself and placing them into the images and i have a video of myself with the mask on and this will be in the dubstep too.

Enjoy Muchly

Monday, 16 July 2012

The Colouring Process Is Complete

Hey Folks

After much pain and suffering and late nights of dubstep, deadmau5, Daft Punk and my all new fave band Feed Me. I have finally finished all of the colouring for the film. yaaaaaay haha finally likes uugh god it was doing my bloody head in, This was a good process for me as i was able to use different techniques to get the job done with using different textures and being able to blend nice colours together.

Now that it is all done I can finally start to comp my film and put it together.

Enjoy Muchly

The Bubble Bases

Hey Folks

Here are all the bubble bases for the film some of these characters are silhouettes for the sky scene because they will be in the distance obviously but i have a few crazy looking characters for you to look at and they will be making different things as they move around from their blades at the back.

Getting close to scoring everything off the lists now folks, Just need to make a few more dubstep backgrounds and were all finished for colouring and making the characters and all the stuff ready to comp and put into the film.

Enjoy Muchly

Some Odd Synaesthesia Shapes

Hey Folks

Here are some shapes that will appear when the Little Guy reacts to the CD's mischievous antics these will come out of his body in different colours and all sorts of things.

Enjoy Muchly

The Underwater Bottle

Hey Folks

This is me now starting to get everything ready to be comped and made for the film, I am just crossing off the small things i have had to do for the list.

Here is the Underwater Bottle that i have made for when the Little guy is underwater pretty cool huh.

Enjoy Muchly

The 2nd Space Background Folks

Hey Folks

Today I have created the 2nd Space Background for the film, I placed the galaxy in this one so it creates a nice atmosphere this is the one where the smoke will come flying into the planet so the planet will sit at the right and i tried to blend the colours together so when the green smoke comes flying in it will contrast nicely.

I will be placing the athlete and Planet Deckturn in this shot along with the smoke flying in and i thought when the dubstep is playing i will create a feedback effect and inverse the background with some bright spells to give a nice effect of the dubstep effecting even the whole galaxy.

I created this in photoshop using rendered clouds and just different brushes for the stars and things i also created some nebulas and i have a separate star layer for nice sparkly things flickering everywhere all nice and shiny like ha ha shiny shiny shine shine.

So let me know what you think

Enjoy Muchly

The New Space Environment

Hey Folks

So today I have made my first outer space background for the film, This has some nice stars and clouds and just all sorts of nice lovely thing in them along with a galaxy that was created in photoshop.

Enjoy Muchly

Friday, 13 July 2012

Another Background, this was a bit trickier

Hey Folks

Here is the scary background finished, i have changed a few things in this one for example, I have taken out the monster,s face in the middle of the city and i have created the city on a separate layer so i can rotate the city in the scene. I have added a tongue to one of the hills for more character and they will be on separate layers for movement. The hills no have a glowing line in them which i can animate in after effects and give them a nice glow effect, i have added a moving mist and fixed up the planets and the sky. So this should be a cool scene when done.

Enjoy Muchly

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Another Background

Hey Folks

So here we have another background for the film, This one isnt very interesting and i never spent a whole lot of time developing it because its not going to be shown very long in the film anyway.

This is for the scene when the dubstep has finished and the character has blown up so as you can tell there will be blood on the screen and guts floating around everywhere so there will be a lot of distractions going on. I like the clouds though there quite nice and the pathway is pretty cool too.

Enjoy Muchly

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Another Background Folks

Hey Folks

Here is yet another lovely background finished and ready for comping, I am really pleased with this one the only thing that is distracting is the cable trees but the clouds and the fields are pretty good and when we have everything in place it should look preeety sweeeet :D.

Enjoy Muchly

Monday, 9 July 2012

Were Up In The Clouds Again Folks

Hey Folks

So this is the 3rd attempt at the clouds background it took me about 2 hors to make and i think ive done a pretty good job, this is the final piece and it has been put into separate layers for comping and making all the clouds move all nicey nicey like.

This has been influenced by the game "Braid" which looks to me like a very experimental piece of art for the game but I have grown very fondly of it ever since I played it.

Enjoy Muchly

The CDs Score Points

Hey Folks

So i was Playing some old style computer games and i thought it would e so funny and cool if there was like a scoring system for the CD when he is causing mischeif. I downloaded an 8 bit style font and just played around with the settings and hopefully everyone will get the joke.

Enjoy Muchly