Hey Folks
Been a while since my last post haha this is not good, been working quite a lot to get some pennies in the pocket but no worries this basset project is still going on.
So today i had a day off and finally got down to some sketching to understand the weight and the look of how a basset should be like. Now I painted the face of a basset so thats under the belt but what about the paws and the body.
So here are some quick sketches of paws and the body.
I really like this one as it shows the back of the foot relaxed and gives the image of overlapping the skin with tone and understanding of fat and muscle.
This is showing the basset lying down and gives off a nice study of the ears and what they look like when relaxed. very floppy part of the animal but they have bone structure that helps keep the heavy ears upward when walking.
Sketch of the front paw relaxed the basset was getting anxious and was beginning to know that i was using him for something so he began to start moving quite a lot.
This shows the back of the basset sitting down, they have quite big bottoms i might say and heavy top back aswel.
This is my favourite because i managed to get the bassets foot showing all it weight onto its front paw. This shows in great depth of the overlapping skin and just shows how much weight this basset really carries when walking.
More coming soon I promise this time.
Enjoy Muchly